A) Trade marks
They represent the greater value to a company. All the signs which can be graphically represented can be registered, particularly words, including personal names, drawings, letters, numerals, sounds, the shape of the product or its packaging, combinations or shades of colors, provided they are capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. The main requirements of the validity are the novelty and sufficient distinctiveness.
B) Collective marks:
Collective marks are intended to guarantee the origin, nature or quality of the goods or services and allow the holder the right to grant the use of the brands themselves to producers or traders.
The services offered by our Office are:
- search of prior existing signs to avoid possible conflicts with third parties. The requirements for registration are, in fact, the novelty and sufficient distinctiveness;
- counseling in order to: a) exactly identify the classes of goods and services to be protected by the mark; b) choose the correct geographical area in relation to the present and future prospects of the company; c) choose a brand that has a good chance of being registered, in order to prevent the company from incurring unnecessary costs.
- filing Trademark applications in Italy or abroad (individual countries or groups of countries, such as the European Economic Community, according to the Community or International Conventions).
- surveillance in order to allow the company to act promptly in case of publication of identical or confusingly similar trademarks filed by third parties by means of opposition to registration and proposing actions prescribed by law against their use.